Revenue Directorate
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Muzaffer Cive

Director of Revenue


1965 yılı Karabük doğumlu ilköğretim ve Liseyi Karabük Eskipazar'da tamamlamış. 1987 yılı Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesinden mezun olmuştur. 1991 yılında Küçükçekmece Belediyesinde işe başlamış, 2014 yılına kadar Emlak ve İstimlak Müdürlüğünde raportör, birim sorumlusu müdür vekili görevlerinde bulunmuş olup, 2014 yılında Büyükçekmece Belediyesine naklen atanarak Emlak ve İstimlak Müdür vekilliğini 2020 yılına kadar sürdürmüştür. 2019 yılında Büyükçekmece Belediyesi Başkan Yardımcılığına atanmış olup, Gelirler Müdürlüğüne vekalet etmektedir. Evli ve 2 çocuk babasıdır.



To protect both the taxpayer rights and the public resources by ensuring the efficiency of the municipal revenues in the collection processes with appropriate workflows.




To increase voluntarism in taxpayership as a result of the qualified services offered, and to facilitate the opportunities provided by developing technologies.


Duties and Responsibilities of the Directorate of Business and Affiliates:


  • To carry out the assessment, accrual, collection and follow-up procedures on time about municipal revenues, taxes, duties, fees, fines and similar revenues on behalf of the Accounting Officer in line with the Municipality Law No. 5393, Metropolitan Municipality Law No. 5216, Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018, Municipality Revenues Law No. 2464, Tax Procedure Law No. 213, Real Estate Tax Law No. 1319, Law No. 6183 on the Procedure for Collection of Public Claims, Local Administrations Budget and Accounting Regulation and other relevant legislation,
  • To make the accrual, collection and follow-up of the revenues assessed by other directorates on time and to coordinate with other units in this regard,
  • To ensure that the collection made by the Accounting Officer Trustees in the name of Accounting Officer, is deposited in the bank in accordance with the legislation,
  • To send documents and reports regarding the accrual and collection to the accounting service for accounting transactions,
  • To carry out follow-up, enforcement and attachment transactions in accordance with the Law No. 6183 on the Procedure for Collection of Public Receivables,
  • To print, arrange, notify, all kinds of documents such as notices, receipts, receipts regarding taxation required by the legislation, to carry out collection transactions and archive them,
  • To inform taxpayers about their rights and duties arising from tax legislation; to develop solutions that will provide convenience to taxpayers in the light of developing technology in matters related to obligations such as declaration and payment,
  • To carry out the accrual and collection of taxes, charges, wages, fees, fines and other municipal revenues within the periods specified in the laws, to carry out income-increasing studies,
  • To examine the correction requests within the scope of the Tax Procedure Law No. 213, to carry out transactions such as cancellation, return and offset,
  • To make determinations via inspection officers in order to prevent income losses,
  • To provide coordination in practice by submitting to the parliament the fee tariff proposals prepared by the relevant units for the fees to be collected for all kinds of services that are not subject to taxes, fees and participation fees,
  • To deliver the information and documents based on written or verbal defenses regarding the objections made by individuals and organizations against the municipal revenues before the administrative and judicial bodies to the relevant units within the legal period,
  • To examine the reconciliation requests and settle with the Settlement Commission established within the scope of Local Authorities Settlement Regulation
  • To conduct a Minimum Land Unit Value Determination study for the determination of the real estate tax values to be applied for buildings, land and lands within the scope of the Tax Procedure Law No. 213, to establish a commission and to carry out the secretariat task regarding the works of the established commission,
  • To use the appropriation allocated from the budget as an expenditure unit in accordance with Law No. 5018 and the relevant legislation,
  • To comply with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law No.6698 in the business and transactions of the Directorate,
  • To respond to incoming and outgoing documents within legal periods, to archive business and transactions in accordance with the Standard File Plan,
  • To fulfill all business and transactions in a timely and correct manner in line with the goals, targets and performance targets determined in the strategic plan,
  • To carry out resource and income increasing activities in coordination with other units of the municipality,
  • To ensure the timely accrual of revenues and follow-up and collection of revenues and receivables on time,
  • To deposit the collection made via the Accounting Officer Trustees and to comply with the monetary limits,
  • To provide information and documents to the auditors during internal and external audits, to prepare explanatory regulations for the implementation of financial legislation when necessary,
  • To present the tariff proposal of the directorate by ensuring the coordination of preparing and submitting the municipal fee tariff proposals to the council.
