Health Services


1968 yılında Trabzon Yomra’da doğdu. İlk-Orta öğrenimini Trabzon Yomra’da tamamladı. 1991 yılında Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisliği Bölümünden mezun oldu. 1993-2014 yılları arasında özel sektörde şantiye şefi ve proje müdürü görevlerinde bulundu. 2015 yılında Büyükçekmece Belediyesinde Fen İşleri Müdür Yardımcısı olarak göreve başladı. 2018 yılı Eylül ayından itibaren Fen İşleri Müdür V. Olarak görevine devam etmektedir.


Home Health Care
Upon the request of our sick-elderly-bedridden and orphaned citizens residing within the borders of our district, prescription injection and serum - bloodletting – medical dressing - wound care - catheter services are carried out by doctors and our health team, at their home.
With our home health care, we provide services to our sick, disabled and elderly citizens who need health services but cannot go to health institutions, at their home.

Patient Transport Services
In line with the requests received by our Directorate, we take patient citizens from their homes to the health institutions where they will be treated, and take our citizens who have been treated and discharged back to their homes.

Workplace Doctor Medical Examination Services
We create the health records of the personnel working in our municipality and perform their routine medical examinations.

BADEM (Psychological Counseling Services)
Psychological counseling service is provided by expert psychologists and aims to provide our citizens have the skills to cope with the individual and environmental problems they encounter. With this understanding, Büyükçekmece Municipality provides free service to the people of Büyükçekmece in need in order to provide support for the psychological problems of the people and to find solutions to the economic, social and cultural depressions of the people.


Handicapped and Social Life Centers
We support social activity and development skills of our handicapped citizens by supporting their physical, social and mental activities and creating a quality social space for them.


Dietician Services

In order to eliminate the nutritional problems of our people, we provide personal nutrition trainings, taking into account the differences of each individual. We inform our citizens about the following issues with nutrition programs organized by our dieticians:
- Weight control (obesity, low weight and healthy weight control)
- Nutritional therapy for diseases (during prevention and treatment)
- Nutrition therapy for the drugs used (drug-food interactions training)
- Healthy nutrition in pregnant and lactating women
- Healthy nutrition in transition to supplementary food
- Healthy nutrition in adults
- Healthy nutrition in the elderly
- Healthy nutrition for handicapped people
It appeals to individuals of all age groups from 7 to 77 with a healthy nutrition approach.


Disinfestation Services


Vectorial Disinfestation
The aim of fighting vectors under the coordination of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality is to keep vector populations under control in a way that does not cause discomfort and epidemics. The biocidal products used in the fight are the products recommended by the competent authorities and licensed by the Ministry of Health. It is not the most destruction, but keeping it under control in a way that does not cause an epidemic.
