Directorate of Technical Works


1968 yılında Trabzon Yomra’da doğdu. İlk-Orta öğrenimini Trabzon Yomra’da tamamladı. 1991 yılında Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisliği Bölümünden mezun oldu. 1993-2014 yılları arasında özel sektörde şantiye şefi ve proje müdürü görevlerinde bulundu. 2015 yılında Büyükçekmece Belediyesinde Fen İşleri Müdür Yardımcısı olarak göreve başladı. 2018 yılı Eylül ayından itibaren Fen İşleri Müdür V. Olarak görevine devam etmektedir.




Our Directorate of Technical Works carries out its activities in accordance with the Municipality Law No.5393, the Metropolitan Municipality Law No.5216 and the provisions of the regulation approved by our Municipal Council, which have been prepared within the framework of these laws and entered into force.

Our Directorate strives to bring out the beauties worthy of our people, with the awareness of its responsibility to provide better service by continuing its works for the benefit of society in our district. Our Directorate aims to ensure that its personnel participate in day and night activities and establish a strong coordination and relationship with the public in accordance with its mission to ensure that its personnel do their part for the quality of life worthy of the public. Our understanding as the Directorate of Technical Works is to be a pioneering and exemplary unit.




  • To open new roads in accordance with the zoning plans and programs within the boundaries of the municipality and adjacent areas, to make the necessary projects, exploration and preliminary preparations, to approve or have them approved, to make the necessary preliminary procedures for expropriations to be made for this purpose,
  • To provide the asphalt materials required for road pavement works on time, laying them and carrying out all kinds of works and operations related to asphalting,
  • To carry out the continuous maintenance and repairs of the roads, pavements, asphalt and art structures and facilities that are under the responsibility of our municipality as required by the law, in a way that allows them to be kept and used in safety, as though they were first made or subsequently improved, to make suggestions for the modification or addition of the qualifications and conditions of the technical principles regarding their construction, repair, maintenance and other issues,
  • To carry out the construction and repair works of municipal service buildings and lodgings, or to have them carried out,
  • To fight against snow and ice in winter, to provide traffic flow by means of salting,
  • To carry out the excavation licenses of all infrastructure works in coordination with AYKOME and IMM in accordance with the relevant legislation, to work in cooperation with infrastructure organizations,
  • To determine the participation fees to be collected from the taxpayers in return for road, asphalt and pavement services and to send them to the Financial Services Directorate without delay for collection,
  • To carry out the works and procedures specified in the Public Procurement Law regarding the consultancy, purchase of goods, services and construction works that will be needed by the units affiliated to the Directorate within the framework of the relevant legislation, to provide technical assistance and personnel support if needed in the tenders to be made by other units of the Municipality,
  • To realize the construction, maintenance and repair or joint service projects of local administrations, educational institutions and other public institutions and organizations within the means of the municipality and to transfer necessary resources for this purpose within the framework of the relevant legislation,
  • To ensure that the workshops within the Directorate work economically and efficiently,
  • To ensure that all machines and vehicles under the responsibility of the Directorate are kept and managed according to service requirements,
  • To ensure that all measures are taken in terms of occupational health and safety at workplaces affiliated to the Directorate,
  • To provide lighting services for the parks, gardens, squares and historical artifacts in our district,
  • To fulfill the lighting works of all avenues and streets in our district in coordination with BEDAŞ.
  • To place the electrical, medium voltage and low voltage lines underground in coordination with BEDAŞ.
  • To create new energy projects in coordination with BEDAŞ to increase energy efficiency and quality.
