Museum of World Costumes


1968 yılında Trabzon Yomra’da doğdu. İlk-Orta öğrenimini Trabzon Yomra’da tamamladı. 1991 yılında Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisliği Bölümünden mezun oldu. 1993-2014 yılları arasında özel sektörde şantiye şefi ve proje müdürü görevlerinde bulundu. 2015 yılında Büyükçekmece Belediyesinde Fen İşleri Müdür Yardımcısı olarak göreve başladı. 2018 yılı Eylül ayından itibaren Fen İşleri Müdür V. Olarak görevine devam etmektedir.


The most basic elements that form the identity of a city and make it different are its history and cultural heritage. Thanks to these values, continuity is created and passed on from generation to generation. The unique spirit of the city/region moulded by history and culture is revealed and this spirit is protected.

The Museum of World Costume, with the breadth of its collection, has served as an important bridge for the transmission of cultural values and intercultural dialogue.

The aim of the museum collection is to ensure that the visitors' sense of belonging to history and cultural values is transferred permanently, to ensure that these values reach future generations, to recognise their own culture and different cultures with a versatile and tolerant approach, and to develop intercultural similarities and differences through understanding and empathy.


Our museum is a 210 m2 stone building and consists of two independent sections. In the exhibition areas, Turkish folk costumes reflecting traditional Anatolian culture and the costumes and accessories gifted to our municipality by the countries that have participated in our International Büyükçekmece Culture and Art Festival for 24 years are presented to visitors with their vivid colours and motifs. The collection of photographs of the traditional costumes of the countries accompanies the objects in the museum as a whole.

Büyükçekmece has undertaken important historical roles as a gateway/bridge since its history. One of these roles is that it was a settlement where Greek and Turkish populations lived together before the population exchange in 1923. Turks were settled instead of the Greeks who left Büyükçekmece with forced migration. Considering this role; it is important to keep its historical and cultural texture, places and this history alive.

The area where the Museum of World Costume is located and the museum building is an old period stone architectural structure that witnessed the exchange period. By preserving the cultural heritage and structure of the past period, our museum has connected the past and the present, reached out to the future and created a cultural and intercultural bridge.

In order to revive old customs, studies are being carried out on dowry customs, folk dances, old traditions, and values that have sunk into oblivion are brought to light.

Workshops for children and conversations for adults are organised every month in the museum.


To explore the Museum of World Costumes digitally, you can watch the documentaries and films showing our museum from the links below.


1. Link (Video)

2. Link (Video)

Museum of World Costumes 360 Degree Virtual Tour


Contact: 0212 883 07 22

Address: Mimarsinan Mahallesi, Çarşı Sokak, No:4  Büyükçekmece/İSTANBUL

Visiting Hours:  All days except Monday; 08.30 – 17.00
